Your prospects and clients are very busy people. Their jobs require them to make many decisions daily, and frequently with a sense of urgency. From the moment you connect by email, voice mail, or in a live conversation, the clock is running and your prospect is judging….judging whether you act in a professional and competent manner; judging whether or not you open the conversation with confidence and knowledge of this person’s role and of the work being done; and judging as to whether they want to invest time with you in a conversation or move on to the tasks and people they deem as more worthy of their time.
The purpose of the I-Model for Opening the Conversation is to initiate communication and ultimately a more diagnostic phone conversation or face-to-face meeting with influencers / decision makers. Through using this approach, you will be able to turn cold calls in to warmer consultative conversations that accelerate relationship development. Additionally, you will stand out from the masses and the sea of sameness in voice mails and emails by better communicating a clear purpose for the conversation.
Join TRICOM and Rob Mosley with Next Level Exchange for our June Industry Insider webinar for a dynamic and interactive sales consulting session including the following:
By the end of this session, you’ll be equipped with tools on how to stand out from the masses in the first 60 seconds of an opening conversation and accelerate relationship development.